Olathe Health Blog


  1. Cara’s Knee Replacement Gives Her a New Spring in Her Step

    Cara’s Knee Replacement Gives Her a New Spring in Her Step

    Cara Coffelt has a lot to celebrate. She recently retired after a 28-year career at Tri-Ko, Inc., a day and residential care facility for individuals
 with intellectual and developmental disabilities. And, thanks to a recent knee replacement surgery, she is looking forward to living an active retirement with less pain.

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  2. #OHbaby: Addie Gallagher Arrives on April Fool’s Day in Less Than 30 Minutes

    #OHbaby: Addie Gallagher Arrives on April Fool’s Day in Less Than 30 Minutes

    Adeline Ora Tilly Gallagher wasn’t joking around when she made her entrance into the world, arriving at 3:42 p.m. on April Fool’s Day. This was the fourth child Kristi Gallagher delivered at The Birth Place at Olathe Medical Center and she’s sad she won’t be back.

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  3. Summer Safety Tips

    Summer Safety Tips

    Summer is almost here, which means lots of new fun. It’s a great time to refresh your memory on summer safety tips for kids as you spend the days outside, in the water and on vacation!

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  4. Fevers: How high is too high? How to treat your child’s fever and when to see their pediatrician.

    Fevers: How high is too high? How to treat your child’s fever and when to see their pediatrician.

    A fever is any body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers are very common in children, are generally a sign of a healthy immune system trying to fight an infection and are very rarely dangerous for a child. In fact, only temperatures greater than 109 degrees F can cause damage to a person’s body.

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  5. Are Ear Tubes in Your Child’s Future?

    Are Ear Tubes in Your Child’s Future?

    David K. Hill, MD, is one of Olathe Medical Center’s Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) doctors. See his answers to common questions parents have about ear tubes for their children.

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  6. Signs of Heart Attack in Women

    Signs of Heart Attack in Women

    Women often experience different heart attack symptoms than men. According to the American Heart Association, women may have one or more of the following symptoms.

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  7. The Facts About Childhood Immunizations

    The Facts About Childhood Immunizations

    Erica Red Corn, MD, Pediatrician at Olathe Health Pediatrics – Olathe Medical Park discusses the importance of childhood immunizations.

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  8. Catch the Signs of Heart Attack Early

    Catch the Signs of Heart Attack Early

    Don’t wait to get help if you experience any of these heart attack warning signs.

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  9. Heart Attack Survivor Trusts Cardiology Team at OMC

    Heart Attack Survivor Trusts Cardiology Team at OMC

    Madelyn, an 82-year-old mother of seven from Ottawa, was headed to bed late one night when she began to feel “funny”.

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  10. A Young Father’s Close Call with Heart Disease

    A Young Father’s Close Call with Heart Disease

    This 45-year-old father didn’t have heart disease on his radar. But thanks to advanced diagnostics and the gut instinct of his cardiologist, Mike Laney was able to avoid a heart attack.

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