Stan Holm, President/CEO


What to Do About Winter Colds

As we enter colder months and infections begin to spread, you may wonder how to best care for yourself or a loved one. While it can be tempting to head straight to the pharmacy, not all infections need to be treated with medications. Many clear up by themselves, making it important to know some basic […]

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  1. Are Ear Tubes in Your Child’s Future?

    Are Ear Tubes in Your Child’s Future?

    David K. Hill, MD, is one of Olathe Medical Center’s Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) doctors. See his answers to common questions parents have about ear tubes for their children.

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  2. Signs of Heart Attack in Women

    Signs of Heart Attack in Women

    Women often experience different heart attack symptoms than men. According to the American Heart Association, women may have one or more of the following symptoms.

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  3. The Facts About Childhood Immunizations

    The Facts About Childhood Immunizations

    Erica Red Corn, MD, Pediatrician at Olathe Health Pediatrics – Olathe Medical Park discusses the importance of childhood immunizations.

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  4. Catch the Signs of Heart Attack Early

    Catch the Signs of Heart Attack Early

    Don’t wait to get help if you experience any of these heart attack warning signs.

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  5. Heart Attack Survivor Trusts Cardiology Team at OMC

    Heart Attack Survivor Trusts Cardiology Team at OMC

    Madelyn, an 82-year-old mother of seven from Ottawa, was headed to bed late one night when she began to feel “funny”.

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  6. A Young Father’s Close Call with Heart Disease

    A Young Father’s Close Call with Heart Disease

    This 45-year-old father didn’t have heart disease on his radar. But thanks to advanced diagnostics and the gut instinct of his cardiologist, Mike Laney was able to avoid a heart attack.

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  7. Speech Therapy Helps Two-Month Old Skyler Feed

    Speech Therapy Helps Two-Month Old Skyler Feed

    When two-month-old Skyler had trouble latching and was choking on her milk, mom Jenna Miller reached out to Olathe Medical Center. With help from a Speech Therapist and Lactation Consultat, Skyler now has no trouble eating and is a happy, healthy little girl.

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  8. Rehab Patients Enjoy Their “Active 80’s”

    Rehab Patients Enjoy Their “Active 80’s”

    Gaylin and Barbara Anderson, both 80, don’t let their age slow them down. But injuries were holding them back. That’s why they sought the help of Olathe Health Rehabilitation Services in Paola.

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  9. Level II NICU Cares for Tiniest Patients

    Level II NICU Cares for Tiniest Patients

    Born five weeks early, Maggie and Brian Schmidt’s twins were generally healthy, but Grant faced a few hurdles. He was admitted to OMC’s Level II NICU, where Grant and the rest of his family received some special attention.

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  10. Unique Rehabilitation Program for Parkinson’s Patients

    Unique Rehabilitation Program for Parkinson’s Patients

    Allen Slater has Parkinson’s disease, which affects his balance, strength and endurance. Allen’s doctor referred him to the Parkinson’s disease outpatient rehab therapy program at Olathe Medical Center.

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