Cancer Resources

Cancer Resource Center
Learning to deal with cancer or supporting a loved one coping with the disease is difficult. Whether you have just received a diagnosis of cancer, are undergoing treatment or are at risk for developing cancer, our Cancer Resource Center is designed to assist you and your loved ones. Our staff will answer your questions, explain technical information and help you connect with resources to assist in the fight against cancer. We can connect you with community support groups and medical providers, as needed. Our services are always free and confidential.
The Cancer Resource Center at Olathe Medical Center is a place where the community can connect to healthcare professionals and trained volunteers and find hope, encouragement and resources to assist in the fight against cancer. Here you can find answers to your questions so you can make more informed choices about screenings, treatment options and second opinions. Our services are always free and confidential.
Cancer Resource Center services include:
- Wigs, hats and turbans
- Nutritional supplements
- Breast prostheses
- Support groups
- Informational classes
- Written materials
- Referrals for additional services, including lodging, transportation, home health supplies, one-on-one support and more
- Individual appointments
Call 913-355-8000 for a personal appointment with any of the following healthcare professionals, who can help answer your specific questions:
- Registered dietician
- Social worker
- Medical librarian
- Hospital chaplain
Look Good Feel Better
The Look Good Feel Better virtual workshop at Olathe Medical Center connects cosmetology professionals with women with cancer to provide tips about applying make-up, choosing and caring for wigs, taking care of dry skin and discolored nails, and coping with the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation. Register online or call the Cancer Resource Center at 913-355-8000 for dates and times. Registration is required.
LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a twelve-week, small group program at the Olathe YMCA designed for adult cancer survivors. This program fulfills the important need of supporting the increasing number of cancer survivors who find themselves in the transitional period between completing their cancer treatment and the shift to feeling physically and emotionally strong enough to attempt to return to their normal life or their “new normal”. To register, or for more information about the program, please click here.
Clinical Trials
At Olathe Medical Center, you have local access to advanced, innovative clinical trials through our membership with the Masonic Cancer Alliance (MCA). Clinical trials are research studies in which people help healthcare providers find ways to improve health and fight disease. As part of the MCA, our team of physicians and care staff conduct clinical studies to test potentially new treatments and medications and to improve care and outcomes for future cancer patients. Medical research can help people live longer, improve their quality of life and manage or cure disease. Improvements to care are possible because of the people who choose to participate in clinical trials.

Our Nurse Navigators
We have compassionate and highly skilled nurse navigators to help ensure your experience is as seamless as possible. Our nurse navigator will assist you with all stages of cancer care, from screening and diagnosis to treatment and survivorship.
Some of the services our navigators provide include, helping patients make informed medical decisions and assisting with scheduling multiple appointments and tests.
Online Cancer Resources
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.
Breastcancer.org is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete and up-to-date information about breast cancer.
Cancer.Net provides timely, comprehensive, oncologist-approved information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), with support from the Conquer Cancer Foundation. Cancer.Net brings the expertise and resources of ASCO to people living with cancer and those who care for and about them to help patients and families make informed health care decisions.
HealthFinder.gov has resources on a wide range of health topics selected from approximately 1,400 government and non-profit organizations to bring you the best, most reliable health information online.
MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training.