Cancer Registry

What is a Cancer Registry?
The Cancer Registry at Olathe Medical Center is a collection of information about each cancer patient’s treatment and progress. Researchers have found that lifetime observation of patients with cancer provides vital information to those who treat cancer patients. The ultimate goal of the analysis of cancer data is to prevent and control cancer. The Cancer Registry at Olathe Medical Center collects two types of information:
- Demographic: Your name, age, sex, ethnic origin and occupation.
- Medical Information: Location, type and extent of your disease and the treatments you receive(d).
The Cancer Registry is a valuable part of the Cancer Program at Olathe Medical Center. The program has been accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer since 1994.
The Olathe Medical Center Cancer Registry complies with Kansas law, which requires the reporting of all patients who have been diagnosed with cancer to the Kansas Department of Health. Patients’ identities, as required by law, are kept confidential by Olathe Medical Center Cancer Registry and the State of Kansas. We respect your right to privacy.
How Do I Benefit?
By gathering information on a wide range of patients, those involved with cancer treatment and researchers have a broader picture of cancer trends. With this continuous review of treatment methods, you and other cancer patients benefit as physicians and researchers are able to implement the most effective and current treatment with the hope of improving quality of life and survival.
Each year our Cancer Registrar will contact you or your physician directly to update your progress. The letters you receive from the Registry may also serve as a reminder to see your physician for a regular check-up.
How Do I Participate?
Effective treatment depends not only on those who provide care, but also on the patients themselves. Consequently, we need you to respond to our request for information. The information we receive will help our physicians determine the appropriate treatment methods, and assist them in evaluating the effectiveness of the different treatment plans.
We are concerned about your future healthcare needs and concerns. We would appreciate it if you would let us know when you change your address or your family physicians. In order to evaluate your progress, we ask that you also give us any results of your treatment, as well as the names of all physicians who may be involved in your future care plans.
Don’t Forget.
It is important that you continue to have physician checkups at regular intervals as established by your physician. These checkups will allow your physician to monitor and/or treat any toxicity, side effects or problems derived from previous or current treatment. Most importantly, these checkups will allow for early detection of any recurrence (the most beneficial time to start treatment); and outline preventive measures. Lifetime follow-up helps assure both you and future patients the best cancer and post-cancer care possible.
Together, we can help improve care not only for you, but also for future cancer patients everywhere. Lifetime follow-up data collection will assure continued research in the fight against cancer.
If you have any questions about the Cancer Registry, please feel free to contact your physician, or call the Cancer Registry at Olathe Medical Center at 913-791-4329.