Olathe Medical Center
Main Switchboard: 913-791-4200
AuBurn Pharmacy: 913-393-4440
The Birth Place: 913-791-4235
Cancer Resource Center: 913-393-8230
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab: 913-791-4222
Cardiovascular Center: 913-791-3501
Centralized Scheduling: 913-942-6400
Chaplain’s Office: 913-791-3500 x4587
Charitable Foundation: 913-791-4216
Education Department: 913-791-4312
Emergency Care Center: 913-791-4357
Gift Shop: 913-791-3500 x4621
Hospice/Home Health: 913-324-8515
Human Resources Department: 913-791-4243
Imaging Center: 913-791-3500 x5880
Laboratory: 913-791-4362
Language Access Services – Sign Language: 913-791-4224 (TDD available)
Language Access Services – Spanish Interpreter: 913-324-8646
Medical Records (Health Information Management): 913-791-4331
OH! Baby Boutique: 791-356-3009
Outpatient Surgery Center: 913-324-8580
Patient Accounting: 913-324-8520
Patient Information: 913-791-4343
Pain Management Center: 913-829-4001
Patient Representative: 913-791-3524
Pavilion: 913-791-4789
Physician Information: 913-791-4396
Radiology: 913-791-4291
Rehabilitation Services: 913-791-4325
Sleep Disorders Center: 913-791-4282
Social Services (Care Coordination): 913-791-4238
Support Group Information: 913-791-4312
Valet Parking: 913-324-8558
Volunteer Department: 913-791-4380
Miami County Medical Center
Main Switchboard: 913-294-2327 (from Kansas City call 913-324-8690)
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab: 913-294-6689
Education: 913-294-6683
Emergency: 913-294-6655
Gift Shop: 913-294-6647 x6203
Laboratory: 913-294-2357 x6282
Medical Records (Health Information Management): 913-294-6621
Patient Accounting: 913-324-8520
Patient Registration: 913-294-2327 x 6270
Radiology Services: 913-294-6635
Rehabilitation Services: 913-294-6679
Social Services: 913-294-6625